Possibly Pneumonia

20 July 2004, Ella resting with Papa
Monday, 26 Jul 2004

Gabriella’s lack of appetite and increasingly frequent cough prompted us to take her TAMC (Tripler Army Medical Center) this morning. Her weight 7.4 oz, was down from 7.7 oz on 23 July.

The doctor’s felt her lack of appetite was probably attributable to a cold/congestion. Since infants breathe through their nose when they feed, Gabriella made the prudent choice of oxygen over food. They directed us to use saline solution and a bulb extractor to keep her nose clear. Additionally, they bumped up her diuretic medication in order to reduce her fluid throughout.

Once we were back home the doctors called to inform us that today’s chest X-ray revealed possible indications of pneumonia, so she is now on a once-a-day antibiotic (Zithromax dose: 0.5 ml) medicine for the next five days. On the bright side! Lisa seems to have cracked the feeding code this afternoon. By positioning Gabriella on her side with her head slightly elevated and turned, she can breathe and eat! She has been eating very well since this afternoon – polishing of more than 6 oz of milk in what has been pretty much continuous feeding. Good interest, appetite, and sucking action all have Mom and Dad breathing a much needed sigh of relief.

Thank you for your prayers.

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