Friday, 26 Nov 2004 (9 pm):

Gabriella continues to do well since her discharge from the PICU on 16 Nov. Currently, she is scheduled to have another fully sedated surgical room procedure on 02 December.

The procedure will allow the doctors to visually inspect the site of Ella’s airway repair for narrowing caused by scar tissue. Not to be outdone by the “wee-est” one in the family, Mum and Lucy both came up with their own medical issues: an Ear Infection for Lucy; and for Mum, a dodgy molar so stubborn that it required an oral surgeon.

Both are on antibiotics and doing well. On a lighter note…we enjoyed a tasty Thanksgiving Day Meal with our lovely next door neighbors – The Stevens.

Finally, please know how very thankful we are for your many prayers.

Tuesday, 16 Nov 2004 (9 am):

Gabriella underwent surgery to open her airway on 10 November. The surgeon showed us some amazing photos of the work he performed to open Ella’s blocked airway. He was very pleased with the results, so we are all hoping and praying for the best.

Gabriella has remained in the PICU since the surgery due to some infection and oxygen saturation issues. Don’t worry though, as GG has shown once again that she is a strong little fighter. We anticipate being discharged sometime today.

God bless each of you and thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, 09 Nov 2004 (5 pm):

The surgery to open Gabriella’s airway is scheduled for early tomorrow morning. Always the patient one, Gabriella tolerated the two-week pause in her treatment without complaining. However, the narrowness of GG’s airway and minimal treatment options available has had both Mum and Dad, on pins and needles for the duration of “the pause.”

On the bright side – the steroids Ella takes to reduce her airway swelling, has helped her “bulk up” – she has eaten like a wee horse over the past few weeks and she appears to be gaining weight. Ella will likely spend at least two-days intubated and on a respirator in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) following her surgery. We feel confident she will once again do well during her surgery and recovery period.

Thank you for your prayers.