Tuesday, 10 Aug 2004

10 August, Tuesday: The last few days have been pretty hectic as we scrambled to do the last few things before Dad goes back to work. Please remember Lisa in your prayers as she will be flying solo until the 16th of August – when her “helper” Michelle starts work.

Gabriella received top marks today when they did an ultrasound examination of her hip joints…the doctors were concerned that her left hip might be displaced. On the eating/feeding front: Gabriella has both good and bad days. Monday she seemed a bit out of sorts and not overly interested in eating. Today, she was back on track and eating well. We will know more after her next weigh-in this coming Friday.

Please know how much we appreciate the prayers, and kind words and deeds we receive – YOU boost our morale when we are low and that means so very much to us. Please continue to tell Gabriella’s story to others and feel free to pass along the address to this web site – the more prayers the better.

Finally, if you would like to give Lisa a little boost during the day, try sending her a “text message,” it’s easy to do (exactly like an E-mail just a different address), and she’ll receive your words just moments after you send them. To send Lisa a text message just type the following address in the “TO: line of an E-mail: 8082232018@mobile.att.net Then add a few words in the subject line and your short message (MUST be less than 100 words). That’s it! Moments later, Lisa will receive your words on her cell phone. Give it a shot. All for now…time to sleep.

Thank you for your prayers.

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