Friday, 13 Aug 2004

13 August, Friday: This afternoon Lisa took Gabriella to her weigh-in and weekly check-up at TAMC (Tripler Army Medical Center). Once again Gabriella gained some weight – she is back up to her birth weight – 7 pounds 14 ounces.

However, the doctors are still concerned that she is not putting the weight on fast enough. If her numbers don’t improve over the next 10 days, they will likely admit her to the hospital for a few days to try a supplemental nasal feeding tube. Dr Mahnke (cardiologist) also noted an expected increase in Gabriella’s respiration and perspiration. Both symptoms indicate Gabriella’s heart is becoming less efficient due to the normal changes that take place in all newborn’s lungs during the first few months.

While these changes are a positive development, in that they decrease certain risk-factors associated with Gabriella’s surgery, they are still difficult for a parent to observe – as it is plain to see that Gabriella is working harder and harder each day to maintain her status quo. This is all part of the “two steps forward and one step back” type of progress the doctors warned us about at the outset of this journey. Lisa continues to work incredibly hard looking after each of the girls – thankfully her “Mother’s Helper” – Michelle – begins helping out this coming Monday.

Thank you for your prayers.

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