Tuesday, 17 Aug 2004

17 August, Tuesday: Late this morning we took Gabriella to TAMC for a weigh-in. She tipped the scales at 7 lbs 12 oz, a loss of 2 ounces. Given the recent “dip” in her eating, Mom and Dad were not surprised by the loss.

Our next course of action is to admit her to the hospital tomorrow for several days of evaluation and testing. A key component of her treatment will be a nasal feeding tube. Ella will receive supplementary amounts of formula via the tube, if she does not eat a specified amount in 30 minutes.

Continuing to feed “manually” for 30 minutes is import because Ella needs to develop her swallowing coordination and muscle tone. Mom and Dad are hopeful and fairly confident that Gabriella will “plump-up” rather nicely during her visit.

Dad will be with Gabriella throughout her stay in the pediatrics ward, Mom and Lucy will provide logistics support – Starbucks for Dad and Snuggles for Ella – during their frequent visits. Details to follow…depending upon internet availability at the hospital.

Thank you for your prayers.

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