Wednesday, 18 Aug 2004

18 August, Wednesday: Gabriella was admitted to the Tripler Pediatrics Ward at around noon today. “FAILURE TO THRIVE” – the official reason listed on the admitting paperwork – provides a painfully accurate synopsis of Ella’s situation. Now 8-weeks old, she has just managed to climb back up to her birth weight of 7 lbs 14 oz. The purpose of this hospital visit being two-fold: 1. To determine if there are any physiological reasons, other than her heart defect, that are impeding Gabriella’s ability to eat and gain weight. 2. To determine whether Gabriella will gain weight if her caloric intake is increased.

Shortly after arriving on the Pediatrics Ward, a Nasal Gastric Tube (NGT) was inserted into Gabriella’s stomach via her right nostril. She bravely tolerated the procedure and received her first “low-effort” meal just minutes after the position of the NGT was confirmed by an x-ray. Once her little belly was full, Ella settled in for a well-deserved nap. Meanwhile, Mom and Dad met the Pediatrics Ward doctors and learned about the tests and evaluation Gabriella would undergo in the next few days. These tests, which include: an “Upper Gastrointestinal” exam, a “suck, swallow, and breathing” evaluation, a nutritional evaluation, and a “modified Barium” exam, all focus on answering the two key questions above.

On the lighter side, the nursing staff immediately took to Gabriella. They dubbed her “Gee Gee.” (the same nickname Dad uses for Gabriella). When we inquired why “Gee Gee,” our nurse explained that since Mom had checked the “do not release personal information” box on the admitting forms, the staff was not even allowed to put her last name on their status board. Instead, they opted for her initials “G. G.” Dad loved it and so did GG! Tomorrow will be a busy day of tests and lots of feeding.

Thank you for your prayers.

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