Monday, 23 Aug 2004

23 August, Monday: Lucy stayed at home with her new best friend Michelle, while Mom, Dad, and Gabriella went to TAMC for the check-up with Dr. Mahnke. Gabriella’s weight today was 3.76 KG or 8 lbs 4.6 oz) Great News…”Praise the Lord and pass the formula.” That was the “2-Steps Forward” portion of this update, now for the “1-Step Back.” Dr. Mahnke is concerned the severity of Gabriella’s heart failure may be increasing.

Now don’t panic, the term “heart failure” in this context is not the same as in adults – where heart failure means your heart stops and the harps start. In this instance, the term “heart failure” refers to the lack of efficiency when Gabriella’s heart beats. We all remember from high school biology that human hear has 4 chambers. Two of those chambers – the Ventricles (left & right) – do the majority of the pumping work. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs and the left ventricle pumps blood to the rest of the body.

The hole in Gabriella’s heart, which is known as an “A/V Septal Defect,” is in the interior wall that separates the two ventricles. At birth, muscle tissue surrounding the lungs keeps the blood pressure in the lungs higher than in the rest of the body. Consequently, blood tends to travel to the rest of the body vice the lungs, since the blood pressure in the body is lower than in the lungs.

However, as Gabriella gets older, the muscles surrounding the lungs dissolve. Consequently, the pressure in her lungs decreases and more blood flows to the lungs instead of the body. In order to meet her body’s blood and oxygen needs, Gabriella’s heart must beat faster and faster. That increasing inefficiency is what is meant by the term “heart failure.”

Lastly, it is important this process occurs prior to surgery, as those pesky muscles surrounding the lungs, if present, may cause problems during and after surgery.

Dr. Mahnke prescribed a medication, CAPTOPRIL, which should lower the blood pressure in Gabriella’s body, thereby reducing the workload on her heart. We meet with Dr. Mahnke tomorrow to evaluate all of these issues. Details to follow…

Thank you for your prayers.

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