Monday, 30 Aug 2004

Monday, 30 August: Yesterday’s “Day of Rest” was followed by a busy Monday. Gabriella wolfed down this morning’s 0600 (6 am for the civilians) feeding of 75 ml and then dropped off to sleep.

About 2 hours later she was making lots of noise and acting fairly unsettled. When she failed to settle down after her 0900 feeding we knew something was wrong. By the time we reached the hospital, her temperature was almost 102 F degrees – well beyond the 100.4 F, “return threshold” set by the doctors when she was last discharged.

The doctors gave her Tylenol to bring down the fever while she underwent testing to look for infections. Sample collection, which included two blood draws and a catheterization for urine, left Gabriella worn and tired and Dad a little grayer. Initial test results appeared normal in all areas, so an infection is probably unlikely – Whew!

We return to hospital tomorrow for further evaluation. On the brighter side of things, Gabriella’s weight is up to 8lbs 12 oz.

Thank you for your prayers.

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