Friday, 10 Sep 2004

Friday, September 10: Gabriella continues to do well as she approaches the next milestone in her journey – the flight to the mainland. Today, GG’s doctors will determine the exact requirements for her “medical evacuation” (MedEvac).

Initially, it was thought that she would be stable enough to travel on a commercial flight. But since her condition has progressed, a military flight may be the better option – – – (Dad, hereby formally retracts every derogatory comment he has ever made about the United States Air Force).

A military flight may also make more sense because we need their “heavy lift” capabilities – as Gabriella now weighs over 9 and a half pounds. Either way, GG will have members of her team along for the ride to ensure her safety. Mum, Dad, and Lucy continue to do well.

We would like to take a moment to say a special thank you to our lovely neighbor, Carol. She helps us in countless ways, often changing her plans at the last minute to make our lives easier. She is Christianity in action. Carol, you are a gem, we love you.

Thank you for your prayers.

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