Tuesday, 14 Sep 2004

Tuesday, September 14: Gabriella and crew (Doctor, Nurse, Mum, Dad, and Lucy) arrived at Stanford late on Sunday, 12 September – everyone is doing well and settling in.

Gabriella was without a doubt the star of the show on Sunday, as she was the only patient on the U.S. Air Force C-141 MedEvac flight from Hawaii to Travis Air Force Base (AFB). She remained stable and calm throughout the five-hour flight. Her oxygen level dipped a bit when the plane went above 30,000 feet, so we flew the majority of the flight at 29,000 feet.

GG was especially well looked after as she traveled the 82 miles from Travis AFB to Stanford in an ambulance – as she had 2 doctors and 2 nurses along for the ride (one each from Stanford and Hawaii).

Yesterday, GG’s condition was reconfirmed by the Stanford team when they performed ultra-sound and EKG examinations. Gabriella’s surgery is still scheduled for 21 September; however, that may change – we see Dr Lamberti tomorrow. Details to follow…

Thank you for your prayers.

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