Tuesday, 08 Feb 2005:

Gabriella was restless throughout much of yesterday and all of last night due to a nasty rash around her neck. Unfortunately, it is fairly common problem for infants with trach tubes. It occurs when moisture from the warm-air humidifier – which conditions the air that Ella breathes – saturates the strap that holds her trach tube in place.

(Trach Tips:  Use of “Chapstick, original” – no flavors – on the affected areas.  This works amazingly well, Ella had a horrible rash under her chin.  The rash literally went away in about 36 hours.)

This presents a bit of a conundrum since she needs the moisture from the warm-air humidifier to keep her airway and lungs in good working order. This seems like a good place to put in a plug for the nose – one of God’s great creations. Ella visits her doctors tomorrow, so we are hopeful they will provide some relief. All for now.

Thank you for your prayers.

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