Monday, 14 Feb 2005:

Each day we are reminded of our good fortune, good friends, and God’s love and blessings. Some days it may just be something small, like the twinkle in little Ella’s eyes when she smiles at us as we care for her. Other days it may be a card in the post, an email, or note in our guestbook, which warms our heart and reminds us of the many prayers that are said each day for our family.

Sometimes it is just the firm handshake of a friend with a – look you square in the eye “howyadoing?” A full meal – prepared and delivered to us by Sandy (a friend of our neighbor, Carol, who we had never met, but who has been praying for Ella) provided one of this weekend’s reminders.

Another was when Lucy’s friend Elsa stopped by for a visit.

Pictured left is Lucy and Elsa playing in the sprinkler.  All for now…

Thank you for your prayers!

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