The Slumber Games at Home

140522 The Slumber Games at home.
Wednesday, 21 May 2014

(1160 = ANC @ 0400 on 21 May)

After a bit of a rough start Ella settled in and managed to bank a few solid hours of sleep. It remains to be determined if the same will hold true for “Team Ella”.

Dear God, Thank you for this day.

Thank you for letting us bring wee Ella home from the hospital.

Thank you for the many joys of parenting;

Thank you for our trials – may they bring greater glory to God

We invite you into our lives, and ask you to send the Holy Spirit to guide our steps each day – so that we may be the people you want us to be.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen

We pray for all the people who are praying for Ella.

Thank you for your prayers.

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