Monday means Chemotherapy – IM1 Treatment 1 of 5

140623a Ella and Tucker
Monday, 23 June 2014

(1680 = ANC @ 11:49 on 23 Jun)

Ella begins the third phase of her chemotherapy today. “Interim Maintenance I” is comprised of five treatment sessions. Ella will receive larger doses of the chemotherapy drugs each session.

This phase will be very demanding for Ella. Her immune system will be severely weakened by the themotherapy drugs: Vincristine and Methotrexate.
This condition, known as Neutropenia, poses the greatest risk to Ella’s already fragile respiratory system.

The ANC number, listed under each headline (1680 = ANC @ 11:49 on 23 Jun), is the number to watch as Ella progresses. When Ella’s ANC values dip below 500 she will be at the greatest risk.

While we are doing much to prepare for the upcoming periods of risk, we have faith that God has a plan for Ella (and for each of us). Moreover, we have faith that God’s plan is much better ours.

Please pray for God to come into our lives each day, to guide our steps, to increase our faith, and to help us be the people he wants us to be.

Thank you for your prayers.
God bless you.

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