Thursday, 26 Aug 2004

Thursday, 26 August: Gabriella continues to gain weight (3.60 kg or 8 lbs 8 oz) as the doctors “fine-tune” the medication portion of her treatment plan. Ironically, it is the increases in Gabriella’s diet that are the driving force behind the need to fine-tune her medications. Gabriella literally receives twice the volume of formula – 600 ml vice 300 ml. That increase, which enables her weight gain, places extra demands on Gabriella’s already fragile heart and circulatory system.

Previously, her “resting” heart rate was 140 bpm, now it is up to 160 bpm. To address this, the doctors use diuretics to reduce the volume of fluid in Gabriella’s system; as well as drugs, known as “ACE inhibitors,” which dilate certain key blood vessels in her body to reduce her blood pressure. In short, they are able to reduce the workload on Gabriella’s heart by managing volume and pressure.

Being in the hospital during this process offers decreased risks and precise monitoring of how Gabriella responses to the adjustments in her medications. For Mum and Dad, the choice was simple. Lucy continues to do remarkably well despite all of the disruptions in her life. She enjoys playing with all of the toys in the “playroom” each time she visits “Gabi – Ella.” All for now.

Thank you for your prayers.

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