Pre-Chemo Ella Returns… for a bit

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

It is amazing what a good night’s sleep can do. Ella slept well for about 10 hours last night. When she woke, it was like Pre-Chemo Ella (PC Ella) had returned. After an hour, her energy level dipped and she went back to sleep again. All of her vital signs are normal – she is just a sleepy mouse.

Today’s prayers of thanks to God for the gift of another day seemed very special.

Yesterday was a hard day – with many opportunities for problems.

We pray for God to be with the doctors and nurses who care for children like Ella.

We pray for all the people who are praying for Ella.

Thank you for your prayers.

Always positive - Ella gives us "thumbs up"
Always positive – Ella gives us “thumbs up”

Monday Means Chemo (Day 29)

Monday, 12 May 2014

All of today’s procedures (listed below) were completed without incident:

Access Porta Cath

Blood Sample for Complete Blood Count (CBC)

General Anesthesia (Propofol)

Access Central Nervous System (CNS) via a Lumbar Puncture (LP)

Sample Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

Infuse chemotherapy drug Methotrexate into CNS

Bone Marrow Biopsy from Pelvis

Today’s procedures were successfully completed by:

13:00 HST / 7:00 PM Corning, NY / 8:00 PM Halifax, NS / 23:00 GMT

15:00 HST Update: Back home safely. Ella was incredibly brave. Today is day 29 of the 35 day the “Induction” phase of Ella’s 30 month treatment protocol. For those of you who are keeping score: this will be the 3rd lumbar puncture and 2nd bone marrow biopsy since 08 April, 2014.

DNA analysis of the leukemia cells present in today’s bone marrow sample will determine Ella’s long-term risk profile: High, Standard, or Low; and her specific treatment protocol.

We hope to recieve the results later this week.

The DNA analysis is performed on the mainland.

Pictured above are Nurse Irvin and Ella at North Beach,

Kaneohe Marine Corps Base Hawaii. “Semper Fi”

We say prayers of thanks to God each morning for the gift of another day.

We pray for all the people who are praying for Ella.

Thank you for your prayers.

A Mother’s Day Like No Other

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Our feelings and emotions are much closer to the surface.

“Bittersweet” is an appropriate description.

It seems impossible to imagine…

could we love our girls any more than we do now?

In the next moment, a wee lash blinks, a freckle flashes,

the well of emotion fills fuller than we thought possible.

and we love them even more.

Truly, this was a Mother’s Day like no other.

We say prayers of thanks to God each morning for the gift of another day.

We pray for all the people who are praying for Ella.

Thank you for your prayers.

Monday Means Chemo (Day 22)

Monday, 05 May 2014

Each morning we thank God for the gift of another day and invite him to send the Holy Spirit into our lives; Please join us in this daily routine. We thank you for your prayers for Ella.

Monday means Chemotherapy and a visit with Ella’s Oncologist, Dr. Darryl Glaser. After telling us how pleased he is with Ella’s progress, Dr. Glaser, briefly discussed with us what the next 6 to 9 months of Ella’s treatment will look like.

In short, there will be some enjoyable breaks in the treatment. There will also be some portions of the treatment that will be demanding. We are truly blessed to have Dr. Glaser leading Ella’s treatment team.

Thank you for your prayers for Ella and our family.

“Up” with Uncle Lou and Miss Gina

Saturday, 03 May 2014

We know God wants us to exercise our free will. If you have not done so already please pray the following prayer with us; “Dear God, please come into my life today.”

Uncle Lou and his daughter Gina like to spoil Ella.

After daily Mass today, Lou asked Papa “Would it be Ok if we stop by and drop off a little something for Ella?”

Ella truly appreciates the beautiful bouquet of balloons.

Thank you so much for the not so “little” something.

And, as always…

Thank you for your prayers.


The Ultimate Atlas

Thursday, 01 May 2014

Each morning we thank God for gift of another day and invite him to send the Holy Spirit into our lives; to strengthen our faith and to guide our steps. Please join us in this daily routine. We thank you for your prayers for Ella.

One of Ella’s favorite things to do is attending daily Mass at St. Anthony of Padua. Mass is said in the cozy day chapel. Over the years, Ella has wormed her way into the hearts of her fellow worshipers. The book Ella is reading in the photo above is a beautiful gift from the dovoted worshipers who attend Daily Mass.

Thank you so very much! Ella.

Unconditional Love

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Each morning we thank God for gift of another day and invite him to send the Holy Spirit into our lives; to strengthen our faith and to guide our steps. Please join us in this daily routine. We thank you for your prayers for Ella.

Ella loves Ki’ele and Ki’ele loves Ella. Our neighbors kindly sent a big poster of Ki’ele, their Yellow Lab, to brighten Ella’s hospital room.

Today was a bit of a tough day; the chemo drugs – like a heavy backpack – tax Ella’s spirit.

Ella’s Reunion today with Ki’ele was a high-point that reminds us of brighter days to come.

Monday Means Chemo (Day 15)

Monday, 28 April 2014

Today was Ella’s second visit to the Pediatric Ambulatory Unit (PAU) at Kapiolani Medical Center (KMC). Ella’s familiarity with the PAU helped things go a bit more smoothly. The PAU is where outpatients, like Ella, go to receive their chemotherapy protocols

Ella’s two newest friends – Nurse Cindy and Nurse Kristen – painlessly reestablished IV access via the Porta Cath. A short time later, Ella recieved another dose of Vincristine.

We were pleased to report that the past week had been gloriously uneventful. No fevers, no bruising, no bleeding. Thankfully, boring is great news

We start each morning with prayers of thanks to God for another day and for all the people who are praying for Ella.

Thank you for your prayers.

Team Ella Succeeds

Sunday, 27 April 2014

St. Baldrick’s Images

Ella is doing well – strong appetite and attitude.

Thank you to everyone who supported Team Ella. We raised a bunch of money for a very good cause. Proper “thank you” notes will be on their way shortly. Click the link above to see photos from today’s St. Baldrick’s fundraiser.

We start each morning with prayers of thanks to God for another day and for all the people who are praying for Ella.

Thank you for your prayers.

Monday Means Chemo (Day 08)

Monday, 21 April 2014

Ella, sporting her new pixie hairdoo, began her second week of Chemotherapy on Monday, 21 April.

The “Day 8” treatment calls for two procedures. The first involves a lumbar puncture to draw a sample of Ella’s spinal fluid and to inject Chemotherapy drugs into her Central Nervous System (CNS). Because of Ella’s airway issues, her sedation was performed by the same anesthesiologist who took care of her in the OR during last Monday’s surgery. The extra effort resulted in a procedure that was blissfully uneventful.

The second procedure involved accessing Ella’s Porta Cath site to draw blood and infuse the Chemotherapy drug, Vinchristine.

We start each morning with prayers of thanks to God for another day and for all the people who are praying for Ella.

Thank you for your prayers.