The Healing Power of Love

Monday, 26 Sep 2016

Vanesa, from Assistance Dogs of Hawaii, stopped in today to check on Ella’s health and to continue the extensive training program with Mum and Roxy.

As always, Roxy was in fine form and ready for anything – especially loving Ella.

Ella’s health is improving slowly but surely.  However, she still requires supplemental oxygen 24/7 to keep her O2 saturation numbers on track.

Thank you for your prayers.


Recovering at Home

Sunday, 25 Sep 2016

At noon today Ella was discharged from the Pediatric ICU.  While Ella is much better than she was 36 hours ago, she still has a long way to go before she is 100%.  She requires supplemental oxygen (24/7).  The next few days at home will be very quiet ones.

While Ella was sad to leave Nurse Laura and Nurse Stephanie, she was happy to see Nurse Roxy waiting for her when she got home.

Thank you for your prayers.

Walking Away from Pneumonia

Sunday, 25 Sep 2016

If you want to beat a respiratory infection (such as pneumonia) and/or avoid contracting pneumonia, it is imperative to get up and out of bed each & everyday; preferably several times each day.

Yesterday afternoon, after requesting a portable oxygen bottle and receiving Nurse Stephanie’s blessing, Ella stood up and went for a brief walk around the PICU.

While she was up and about, Ella posed for a few photos with the PICU nurses.

This morning Ella went for a much longer walk, all the way to the Red Bull vending machine in the center of the hospital.

Afterwards,  she wrote a few cards and before  drifting off to sleep.

Thank you for your prayers.


Saturdays R4 Sleeping

Saturday, 24 Sep 2016

For most of Saturday, Ella caught up on her sleep.  She slept in her favorite position – leaning forward, laying over a big pillow.

Typically, she  slept for about 30 to 45 minutes – waking for a minute or two to cough & have a drink of water.  Then she would go back to sleep again.

By 3:00 pm, she was ready to go for a short walk around the PICU. After that she went back to sleep.

Did I mention that Saturday’s R4 sleeping.

Bottom line: we are very pleased with her progress!

Thank you for your prayers.


Go Directly to the Emergency Room

Saturday, 24 Sep 2016

After midnight… it became clear that it was too dangerous for Ella to remain at home.  Her already fragile respiratory was under too much stress – she needed to be in the hospital.  So we packed up and headed off to TAMC emergency room.

Once there, Ella was reunited with an old friend, Dr. Stockdale.  Dr. Stockdale gave the orders and the respiratory techs (RT’s) appeared with their super high-tech oxygen system. Shortly thereafter, Ella was resting comfortably – her O2 readings at much safer levels.

At about 04:00, they transferred Ella to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).  After a few moving pains were ironed out, Ella was back to sleep with pretty good respiratory numbers.


Thank you for your prayers.

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Pneumonia and RSV

Friday, 23 Sep 2016

The test results are back.  Ella is a pretty sick pup.

The X-Ray indicates a pneumonia on the right lower lung.

She also tested positive for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

Unfortunately, because it is a virus – there is not a lot that can be done for RSV.  However, the doctors did prescribe Amoxicillin for Ella’s pneumonia and to help battle any bacterial infections that may try to piggy back on the RSV.

Other than some tears during the failed attempts to get blood samples, Ella is in pretty good spirits.


Thank you for your prayers.


Safe on Oahu – But Not So Sound

Friday, 23 Sep 2016

Ella, Roxy, and their staff (Mum and Nurse Jessica) arrived safely on Oahu yesterday afternoon – just in time to help Ella battle a fairly aggressive respiratory infection.

Supplemental oxygen and overnight nursing care helped Ella remain stable enough to avoid a midnight trip to the emergency room.

In order to get ahead of the power curve and to stay out of trouble, Ella has an appointment with her primary care provider, Dr. Carroll, at Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) this morning.

Details to follow…

Thank you for your prayers.


Early Departure Due to Illness

Thursday, 22 Sep 2016

It appears Ella’s “slight cold” may in fact be a respiratory infection.  Rather than run the risk of remaining away from her support network, Ella will return to Oahu this afternoon on Hawaiian Airlines (HA395).

Initially, we are unsure if Roxy would accompany Ella to Oahu today, or if she would remain on Maui and travel over the weekend with her trainer.

The current plan is to keep the dynamic duo together and for Roxy to fly (in the cabin) with Ella today.  It doesn’t get much better than that !

Thank you for your prayers.

Slumber Party Smiles

Wednesday, 21 Sep 2016

Roxy and Ella enjoyed their first night together.

Ella brought Roxy back to the hotel after their long day of training.  Both Ella and Roxy were dog tired.

Roxy slept on her bed at the foot of Ella’s bed.  Ella slept in her bed with Mama.  In the morning, Roxy gave Ella a little “good morning” snuggle.

Thank you for your prayers.

*Today is the 12th anniversary of Ella’s heart surgery at Stanford.


Aloha Roxy

Tuesday, 20 Sep 2016

Roxy is the reason for Ella’s special mission to Maui.  Roxy is a 23 month old female yellow labrador from Assistance Dogs of Hawaii.  She is highly trained service dog.

Yesterday morning, Ella and Roxy met for the first time.  Shortly thereafter, they began the training program that will teach them how to work with each other.   No doubt this will truly will be a labor of love.

Thank you for your prayers.


SPECIAL Mission to Maui

Sunday, 18 Sep 2016

Twenty minutes after departing Oahu on Hawaiian Airlines; Mama, Ella, and Nurse Tommie landed at Kahalui Airport on Maui.  The brief flight was thankfully uneventful.  Shortly after their arrival, the trio settled into their hotel room and began preparations for their SPECIAL five-day Mission to Maui.  Check back here tomorrow for more details about this very SPECIAL Mission!

Thank you for your payers!


Saying Good Bye to Porty

Monday, 12 Sep 2016

Just after mid day, Dr. Woo removed the “Porta Cath” medical device that he implanted on Monday, 14 Apr 2014.  “Porty” provided quick, reliable, and low stress intravenous access (IV) access over the past 29 months.  This type of access was a real luxury – as Ella’s wee veins have always been a challenge for the phlebotomists to find  and access.

In preparation for this eventuality, “Porty” was not used for the past two blood draws.  Instead, blood was drawn from veins in Ella’s arms.   Ella deserves great credit for her willingness to accept these “old school” blood draws and yet another surgical procedure.

Dr. Russell K. Woo
Dr. Russell K. Woo

We are especially grateful to Dr. Russell Woo (pediatric surgeon) and Dr. Vincent Lucy (pediatric anesthesiologist) for their patience and willingness to answer our questions and understand our concerns.

Monday Means Chemo No More

Monday, 20 Jun 2016

(1615 = ANC on 20 Jun)

Ella celebrates the completion of her chemotherapy protocol with the doctors and nurses who cared for over the past 798 days.

While the two years, two months, and one week Ella spent on this journey seemed long at times, it is important to remember Ella managed to finish early – nearly 100 days ahead of the 30 months that is usually required.

We are mindful of the blessings she received from the many prayers said on her behalf as she made this journey.

We sincerely hope your faith is strengthened.

Thank you for your prayers.