Slippery new playing cards allow Ella to exercise her “swimming muscles” during a recent physical therapy session.
All for now.
Thank you for your prayers.
Slippery new playing cards allow Ella to exercise her “swimming muscles” during a recent physical therapy session.
All for now.
Thank you for your prayers.
Tuesday, 01 Mar 2005:
Gabriella’s physical therapist, Auntie Lillie, dropped by for another session yesterday.
This session was Dad’s turn to learn some of the basic exercises to help Ella build her back and stomach muscles. He also learned how to give Ella a proper foot and hand massage.
Is it any wonder that Ella loves each and every minute of these sessions?
Still, she works very hard to please anyone who cares to watch. All for now.
Thank you for your prayers.
Wednesday, 09 Feb 2005:
Lisa’s parents stopped on their way from New Zealand to Halifax for a short visit. Lucy truly benefits from the additional attention Russ and Sylvia provide. On Tuesday morning, Ella’s three “Aunties” came to check in on their little friend. Auntie Carrie, Auntie Lilli and Auntie Sharon are all part of the Early Intervention Program which is run by Easter Seals on this side of the island (In Hawaii, “Auntie” is used as a term of respect and endearment).
We are all hopeful that Auntie Lilli may soon be able to resume some aspects of Ella’s physical therapy program – she is still incredibly alert and seems to crave stimulation. Auntie Lilli taught Mum and Dad their first few words of Early Intervention Program, which will help in communicating with Ella. We learnt “are you thirsty?”, “are you hungry”, “drink”, “eat”, “please” and “thank you”.
Pictured left are Russ, Sylvia, and Ella. All for now.
Thank you for your prayers.