Saturday, 17 May 2014
Ella waiting for chest X-Ray at 03:00 this morning.
This continues to be a tough week – Ella’s delicate respiratory system is under increased load. Visits to the KMC Emergency Room (ER) on Thursday and Friday night were made to ensure Ella’s safety and comfort. Early on Saturday morning, she was readmitted to the Wilcox Oncology Ward at KMC. Ella appears to be responding reasonably well to treatment thus far. Please pray for her.
We are so very thankful for Nurse Donna Yiu for her tireless support of Ella and the family. Her efforts have enabled “Team Ella” to “fight the good fight” every day. Donna, you are truly a loyal friend and talented Nurse – God Bless You!
Please pray for Donna and all of Ella’s caregivers.
We thank God for the gift of another day and invite him to send the Holy Spirit into our lives; We pray for all the people who are praying for Ella.
Thank you for your prayers.