Sunday, 22 Aug 004

22 August, Sunday : Today was a quiet and restful day. Gabriella ate and slept well throughout the day. Dad and Lucy managed to sneak away for some swimming pool time while Mum looked after Ella.

Tomorrow we head back to TAMC for another weigh-in and visit with Gabriella’s cardiologist, Dr Mahnke. We are especially eager to see Dr. Mahnke, as he was on the mainland during GG’s hospital stay. We will post the results of that visit as soon as possible.

Please know that your kind words and prayers are an inspiration to our family.

Thank you for your prayers.

Saturday, 21 Aug 004

21 August, Saturday : Gabriella’s progress while in the hospital was finally confirmed during today’s weight check. She weighed 3.680 Kg or 8 lbs 2 oz. As such, her weight gain was much closer to the one ounce per day expected of little ones her age.

After a final round of poke, prods, and listening, the doctors said she could go home. As usual, paperwork and bureaucracy slowed the discharge process. Nevertheless, we still managed to escape by mid-day.

Once home, everyone settled in for a well-deserved nap. When we woke, we saw that GG had managed to completely remove her Nasal Gastric Tube (NGT). The wonderful staff of the Pediatrics Ward agreed to help – they re-admitted Gabriella and re-inserted the NGT.

Once the position of the NGT was confirmed by an x-ray, we were discharged again. The whole process took just over 3 hours – Gabriella now wears little mittens so she is unable to repeat that little trick.

Back home by 9 PM, we settled in to our nightly routine. It was wonderful to have our little family back together again in Kailua.

Thank you for your

Friday, 20 Aug 2004

20 August, Friday: Today was a relatively slow day, with lots of naps and plenty of eating. GG shattered all previous records by sucking down an amazing 650 ml – approximately twice the volume she consumed just days ago. Gabriella’s weight continues to be a mystery, as today, she again weighed 8 lbs 5 oz. While none of the doctors or nurses believe she could have gained 7 oz in 36 hours, the fact her weight remains at 8 lbs 5 oz for a second day has them scratching their heads.

Regardless, Mom and Dad are both relieved to see her weight finally moving in the right direction. Gabriella did so well on yesterday’s tests that the doctors decided to hold off on the “modified Barium” exam. Ella was especially pleased, as she was not looking forward to drinking the Barium cocktail for the test.

Finally, the doctors have hinted that Gabriella may be discharged tomorrow, if things continue to go well. So we are all saying our prayers for a family reunion this Saturday. That’s all for now.

Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, 19 Aug 2004

19 August, Thursday: GG’s first evaluation today was with the Speech Pathologist, Lorna, and the Occupational Therapist, Sandy. They watched Gabriella bottle feed in order to evaluate her ability to suck, swallow, and breathe. They were very impressed with her abilities in all areas and gave GG high marks overall.

However, Lorna cautioned that the ease and convenience of NGT feedings may reduce “GG’s” desire to bottle feed.  Accordingly, they recommend 15-20 minutes of bottle feeding prior to the NGT feeding, so that her suck, swallow, and breathing skills continue to develop.

Next, the nutritionist, Major Desrosier dropped by to explain the process he will use to develop the optimal diet for Gabriella. His task requires balancing calories and volume against Gabriella’s ability to tolerate the volume and process the high-protein formula. After just a short while, Gabriella captured his heart and all he wanted to do was play with her. They became fast friends and the Major gave “GG” one of his secret foot massages. Gabriella was asleep in minutes and the Major went off to crunch some numbers.

The final test of the day was the upper gastrointestinal (upper GI) exam. The radiologists injected Barium into Gabriella via the NGT in order to evaluate her esophagus, stomach, and the first part of the small intestine. Bottom line: No problems were detected. Tired from all of the day’s activities, Gabriella spent the rest of the day napping.

Yesterday, Gabriella “ate” 530 ml (17.5 oz) of formula – topping her previous high of 425 ml. Gabriella’s weight today was off the charts and as such, probably inaccurate. She weighed in at 8 lbs 5 oz. Ideally, she should gain 1 to 1.5 oz per day on this diet. Thus ends another busy day.

Thank you for your prayers.

Wednesday, 18 Aug 2004

18 August, Wednesday: Gabriella was admitted to the Tripler Pediatrics Ward at around noon today. “FAILURE TO THRIVE” – the official reason listed on the admitting paperwork – provides a painfully accurate synopsis of Ella’s situation. Now 8-weeks old, she has just managed to climb back up to her birth weight of 7 lbs 14 oz. The purpose of this hospital visit being two-fold: 1. To determine if there are any physiological reasons, other than her heart defect, that are impeding Gabriella’s ability to eat and gain weight. 2. To determine whether Gabriella will gain weight if her caloric intake is increased.

Shortly after arriving on the Pediatrics Ward, a Nasal Gastric Tube (NGT) was inserted into Gabriella’s stomach via her right nostril. She bravely tolerated the procedure and received her first “low-effort” meal just minutes after the position of the NGT was confirmed by an x-ray. Once her little belly was full, Ella settled in for a well-deserved nap. Meanwhile, Mom and Dad met the Pediatrics Ward doctors and learned about the tests and evaluation Gabriella would undergo in the next few days. These tests, which include: an “Upper Gastrointestinal” exam, a “suck, swallow, and breathing” evaluation, a nutritional evaluation, and a “modified Barium” exam, all focus on answering the two key questions above.

On the lighter side, the nursing staff immediately took to Gabriella. They dubbed her “Gee Gee.” (the same nickname Dad uses for Gabriella). When we inquired why “Gee Gee,” our nurse explained that since Mom had checked the “do not release personal information” box on the admitting forms, the staff was not even allowed to put her last name on their status board. Instead, they opted for her initials “G. G.” Dad loved it and so did GG! Tomorrow will be a busy day of tests and lots of feeding.

Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, 17 Aug 2004

17 August, Tuesday: Late this morning we took Gabriella to TAMC for a weigh-in. She tipped the scales at 7 lbs 12 oz, a loss of 2 ounces. Given the recent “dip” in her eating, Mom and Dad were not surprised by the loss.

Our next course of action is to admit her to the hospital tomorrow for several days of evaluation and testing. A key component of her treatment will be a nasal feeding tube. Ella will receive supplementary amounts of formula via the tube, if she does not eat a specified amount in 30 minutes.

Continuing to feed “manually” for 30 minutes is import because Ella needs to develop her swallowing coordination and muscle tone. Mom and Dad are hopeful and fairly confident that Gabriella will “plump-up” rather nicely during her visit.

Dad will be with Gabriella throughout her stay in the pediatrics ward, Mom and Lucy will provide logistics support – Starbucks for Dad and Snuggles for Ella – during their frequent visits. Details to follow…depending upon internet availability at the hospital.

Thank you for your prayers.

Monday, 16 Aug 2004

16 August, Monday: Gabriella’s flight path over the last few days has been somewhat erratic. On Saturday, she came close to going over the 400ml (13.3 oz) mark. She fed consistently throughout the day and ended up with a grand total of 395ml – Mom and Dad were both pleased.

On Sunday, Gabriella embraced the “day of rest” philosophy – eating only 250ml (8.3 oz, a two-week low) and sleeping for most of the day. Her listlessness and lack of appetite raised concerns but since she showed no other negative symptoms we just monitored her closely.

On Monday, Gabriella returned to her “normal” eating and sleeping patterns, consuming 350ml (11.6 oz) and napping after each meal. Looking back on the last few days, it seems Sunday was just another example of the “Two steps forward, one step back” progression we are experiencing on this journey.

Although Mom and Dad are both getting better at identifying and coping with these occasional “air-pockets,” we still get “white-knuckles” during the weightless moments of the freefall.

We plan to take Gabriella in to TAMC for a quick weigh-in and check-up on 17 Aug, since her next scheduled appointment is not until 23 Aug – details to follow. Please know how much your words of encouragement in the “Guest Book” and your Emails mean to us.

And as always, thank you for your prayers.

Friday, 13 Aug 2004

13 August, Friday: This afternoon Lisa took Gabriella to her weigh-in and weekly check-up at TAMC (Tripler Army Medical Center). Once again Gabriella gained some weight – she is back up to her birth weight – 7 pounds 14 ounces.

However, the doctors are still concerned that she is not putting the weight on fast enough. If her numbers don’t improve over the next 10 days, they will likely admit her to the hospital for a few days to try a supplemental nasal feeding tube. Dr Mahnke (cardiologist) also noted an expected increase in Gabriella’s respiration and perspiration. Both symptoms indicate Gabriella’s heart is becoming less efficient due to the normal changes that take place in all newborn’s lungs during the first few months.

While these changes are a positive development, in that they decrease certain risk-factors associated with Gabriella’s surgery, they are still difficult for a parent to observe – as it is plain to see that Gabriella is working harder and harder each day to maintain her status quo. This is all part of the “two steps forward and one step back” type of progress the doctors warned us about at the outset of this journey. Lisa continues to work incredibly hard looking after each of the girls – thankfully her “Mother’s Helper” – Michelle – begins helping out this coming Monday.

Thank you for your prayers.

Wednesday, 11 Aug 2004

11 August, Wednesday: — Technology update — Frustrated that you can’t get the hang of “TEXT MESSAGING?”. Click on the following image to see an example of a text message sent by Lucy and Gabriella from their Hotmail account.

Sadly, Lisa received only one text message yesterday. Let’s try to do better today! ***Note: Honorable mention goes to Sylvia (Lisa’s Mum), who called Lisa to let her know that she was thinking about sending Lisa a text message.***

As you can probably guess by now, Gabriella is doing as well as can be exptected. She continues to meet her feeding goals and we are praying we will see a few more ounces on her when she weighs in this Friday. All for now.

Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, 10 Aug 2004

10 August, Tuesday: The last few days have been pretty hectic as we scrambled to do the last few things before Dad goes back to work. Please remember Lisa in your prayers as she will be flying solo until the 16th of August – when her “helper” Michelle starts work.

Gabriella received top marks today when they did an ultrasound examination of her hip joints…the doctors were concerned that her left hip might be displaced. On the eating/feeding front: Gabriella has both good and bad days. Monday she seemed a bit out of sorts and not overly interested in eating. Today, she was back on track and eating well. We will know more after her next weigh-in this coming Friday.

Please know how much we appreciate the prayers, and kind words and deeds we receive – YOU boost our morale when we are low and that means so very much to us. Please continue to tell Gabriella’s story to others and feel free to pass along the address to this web site – the more prayers the better.

Finally, if you would like to give Lisa a little boost during the day, try sending her a “text message,” it’s easy to do (exactly like an E-mail just a different address), and she’ll receive your words just moments after you send them. To send Lisa a text message just type the following address in the “TO: line of an E-mail: Then add a few words in the subject line and your short message (MUST be less than 100 words). That’s it! Moments later, Lisa will receive your words on her cell phone. Give it a shot. All for now…time to sleep.

Thank you for your prayers.

Sunday, 08 Aug 2004

08 August, Sunday: Our weekend was a quiet one, in part, due to some fairly warm weather. Last week’s storm stole our lovely trade wind away, so it has been hot and humid…such is life in the tropics. Gabriella takes it all in stride – continuing to exceed her daily eating goals by an ounce or two, so we feel a bit more at ease.

When she is not eating she usually sleeps – as that places the least amount strain on her wee heart. However, over the past few days Gabriella has been much more alert and lively during daylight hours. It is a joy to watch her begin to “take in” her surroundings.

Lucy continues to be Lucy – a sweetheart of a 2 year-old, but still a 2 year-old. Wee temper tantrums flair when her routines are alter by her Dad…”No, Mama put Lucy in chair.”  After Mass on Sunday, Gabriella received the “Anointing of the Sick” sacrament. It was both a beautiful and painful experience. Dad made sure Father anointed not just her head and hands, but also directly over little Ella’s heart.

Thank you for your prayers.

Friday, 06 Aug 2004

06 August, Friday: We were off early this morning to meet with Ella’s cardiologist for another check-up. Ella put on one ounce which doesn’t seem like much but it averages out to an increase of 1 oz per day for the last week, which is excellent progress. She now weighs 7lbs 11ozs. Thank you for the e-mails, phone calls, and cards – your support means a great deal to us.

Please keep Gabriella in your prayers.

Thursday, 05 Aug 2004

05 August, Thursday: Yesterday’s tropical storm has passed, we survived the 24 hours of rain, and the sunny skies have returned to Kailua. Gabriella continues to eat well, so we feel positive about her weigh-in tomorrow. Rumor has it that Grandpa Yates (Lisa’s father) now has a high-speed internet connection… we are looking forward to our first Yahoo Messenger video conference with them in Halifax. All for now.

Thank you for your prayers.

Only One Visit to the Doctor’s

04 August, Wednesday

Yesterday was a good day – only one visit to the doctor’s office and that was a scheduled appointment for Dad. Gabriella continues to eat well, so we are hopeful her weight will continue to increase. Her next weigh-in and doctor’s appointment is this Friday.

Yesterday was also Gymboree Day for Lucy. Gymboree is Lucy’s play group – she always has a great time playing with the other children. Pictures of that visit, as well as others, are posted on the Photos page under Album 02.

Dad, Lucy, and Gabriella met the young woman we are considering for the position of “Mother’s helper.” The interview went well and Michelle seems to have all of qualities we hoped for, so we shall see if this is meant to be.

We must take a moment to give credit to the source of our inspiration for these updates and this website. Please visit the following website: Tracy Anzalone is the daughter of a Navy doctor we knew in Italy. She was injured in a freak auto accident which broke bones but little more. Her real injury came when her heart stopped for several minutes in the recovery room following surgery to repair her broken bones. Her family began a website to provide updates and to ask for prayers. Tracy’s amazing progress, the faith and devotion of her family, and the thousands of people praying for them is truly inspirational. It is now past 6 AM, so it is time to tend to the girls.

Thank you for your prayers.