Thursday, 28 Apr 2005

Gabriella spent three hours in surgery yesterday. During which, the doctors placed a plastic stent (hollow plastic tube) into the narrowing portion of her airway.

Unfortunately, Ella sustained a nasty burn on her lower lip (right side) and tongue (right front) – both her lip and tongue have large blisters. Although these injuries are clearly very painful to wee Ella, we are pleased the staff is working overtime to ensure she has ample pain medication available.

It appears the burn was caused by a piece of equipment which overheated. Thankfully, Dr. Cable discovered the problem before Ella sustained permanent damage.

A nasal feeding tube (NG tube) has been inserted so that food and oral medications can be introduced away from her mouth. All for now.

Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, 22 Mar 2005:

This morning’s inspection of Gabriella’s airway by Dr. Cable was completed without incident and she is resting comfortably in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).

Dr. Cable observed that the portion of Gabriella’s airway which he repaired on 09 Mar is healing nicely.

Ella will remain in the PICU overnight for observation and then be discharged sometime tomorrow.

All for now.

Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, 17 Mar 2005:

Gabriella made her weekly visit to the ENT clinic today.

Dr. Cable once again gave her high marks and the go-ahead for her next procedure. During that procedure, Gabriella will be sedated in the operating room. Dr. Cable will then use a tiny fiber optic scope to inspect the area of Ella’s airway which he repaired.

Ella will then recover for about 24 hours in the Pediatric ICU.

This procedure is scheduled for Tuesday, March 22nd.

Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, 03 Mar 2005:

Gabriella met with her ENT doctors today, and as expected she received the green light from them for her surgery next Wednesday.

During the visit, Dr Cable answered ALL of the questions on Mum’s “pre-surgery” list. It is no small job being an effective advocate for Ella. Critical to that effort is gaining a thorough understanding of all aspects of Ella’s care prior to any procedure.

Mum is an outstanding advocate for Ella because she is not afraid to ask the doctors the tough questions.

Pictured left is proof that Dr. Baeger (left) and Dr. Cable (right) survived Mum’s many questions. All for now.

Thank you for your prayers.

Wednesday, 23 Feb 2005:

Gabriella made her weekly visit to the Tripler ENT clinic today.

Dr Cable was pleased with her overall appearance as well the status of her trach tube and airway. Naturally, Ella showed no signs of having been ill over the weekend.

Instead, she was her bright and lively self.

The big news from that visit is that we set the date for Ella’s next surgery – March 9th. Now we just have to decide which surgical procedure to choose.

Pictured left is Lisa’s Mum, Sylvia, feeding wee Ella. All for now.

Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, 10 Feb 2005:

Yesterday marked the completion of Gabriella’s first week at home. To celebrate, Mum, Dad, and Ella went to…the hospital (where else?) for her scheduled check-up. Dr. Cable was very pleased with how she looked – both inside and out.

After hearing about how Ella and, Mum and Dad fared over the previous seven days; Dr. Cable inserted a tiny flexible scope into Ella’s trach tube to examine her airway. Everything inside checked good! On the outside, he prescribed some medications for the rash around her neck.

All in all, he was very pleased with her progress. Ella also received a special vaccine (Synagis) to ward off one of the really nasty respiratory illnesses (respiratory syncytial virus – RSV). Ella was weighed prior to her vaccination – she is up to 5.66 Kg or 12 lbs 8 ozs.

Pictured left is Gabriella napping after the first dose of her rash medication – it works amazingly well. All for now.

Thank you for your prayers.

Tuesday, 25 Jan 2005 ( 5 am ):

Gabriella rested well despite two blockages to her “trach” tube overnight. Both blockages were cleared quickly so Ella’s stress level remained fairly low. Yesterday’s big event – the procedure to change Ella’s trach tube – went according to plan. Since Dr. Cable was pleased with the healing at the incision site (a.k.a. “stoma”) and her overall progress, he will probably transfer Ella to the General Pediatrics Ward some time today.

Once there, Mum and Dad will receive the requisite training to care for Ella at home – Trach tube changing and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), thus far. We will also attempt to ensure the other items needed for our transition to home are ready and in place. It is likely we will have a home-healthcare provider help us monitor Gabriella’s condition.

However, the one potential obstacle to that option is the fact that there is a shortage of nurses on the islands. So, if you know of a nurse who would like to spend a few months working in Hawaii, please let us know. If not, please remember that in your prayers.

Click on the photo to the left to see a photo of Gabriella’s Trach Tube. Once you see the narrowness of the trach tube opening, you will understand how easily it can become blocked. All for now. Please feel free to share Gabriella’s story with a friend…more prayers are always welcome. As always,

thank you for your prayers.

Monday, 24 Jan 2005 ( 8 am ):

Overnight, Gabriella rested peacefully – with no blockages to her “trach” tube. Yesterday, she experienced a few stressful events but no major blockages or DESAT’s. Ella continues to eat well and she seems more comfortable each day. Today’s big event will be the changing of her “trach” tube. During that procedure Dr. Cable will use a small fiber-optic scope to view the portion of her airway below trach tube.

He will also see if the incision site (stoma) is healing properly. If so, Dr. Cable will probably transfer Ella from the Pediatrics ICU to the General Pediatrics Ward. We look forward to taking that step, as it brings us one step closer to home. Lastly, please remember to say a prayer TODAY for Captain Hausman, USMC and all those who are defending freedom around the world. God bless you and

thank you for your prayers.