Second 12-Week Maintenance Phase: Day 1

Monday, 16 Mar 2015

(2924 = ANC @ 08:20 on 16 Mar)

The Lord of hosts is with us: come, let us adore.

Yesterday Ella began her second 12-week maintenance phase.

As is the routine, she received an infussion of Methotrexate in her Central Nervous System via a Lumbar Puncture (LP).

Thankfully she is fully sedated for these proceedures.

After a short stay in the post anesthesia care unit (PACU), Ella was back to being Ella.

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you.

Interim Maintenance Phase TWO – Week 4 of 5

Friday, 28 Nov 2014
(660 = ANC @ 07:50 on 28 Nov)
Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

Ella completed the fourth session of the “Interim Maintenance TWO” phase today.

After a blood draw to ensure Ella was healthy enough to recieve today’s treatment, she was sedated in the procedure room and a spinal tap was performed in order to test the spinal fluid and infuse Methotextrate into her Central Nervous System (CNS).

Once Ella recovered from the sedation, she received doses of Vincristine and Methotrexate. The lumbar procedure and both infusions were uneventful and Ella appears to be tolerating the medicine well.

Ella is scheduled to receive fifth and final session of the “Interim Maintenance TWO” phase in ten days (Monday, 8 Dec 2014).

Pictured above is Ella and a fellow patient.

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you.

Interim Maintenance Phase TWO – Week 1 of 5

 Thursday, 20 Oct 2014

(1008 = ANC @ 08:42 on 20 Oct)

as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.  Amen.

Today is the first week of the “Interim Maintenance Phase TWO”.

After meeting the required ANC and Platelet numbers, Ella underwent another spinal tap and infusion of Chemo in to her central nervous system.

After waking from the anesthesia (Propofol), other Chemo drugs were infused into the rest of her body.

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you.

Delayed Intensification Phase – Week 5 of 8

Monday, 22 Sep 2014

(2832 = ANC @ 08:48 on 22 Sep)

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death: I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Today was the fifth “Delayed Intensification” treatment session.

After last week’s delay…

Ella’s ANC number rose to 2832 – the third highest in five months.

Ella’s treatment session today lasted more than 8 hours.

It included a Lumbar Puncture (LP) aka Spinal Tap, and numerous drug infusions.

As usual, Ella was the bravest person in the room.

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you.

If it’s Thursday, it may be Chemotherapy – IM1 Treatment 4 of 5

 Thursday, 24 Jul 2014

(1640 = ANC @ 09:05 on 24 Jul)

Today is the fourth of five chemotherapy treatments Ella will receive during this, the third phase of her 30 month treatment protocol.

After a blood draw and testing to ensure Ella is healthy enough to recieve today’s treatment, she was sedated in the procedure room and a spinal tap was performed in order to test the spinal fluid and infuse Methotextrate into her Central Nervous System (CNS). Once Ella recovered from the sedation, she received doses of Vincristine (1.5 mg) and Methotrexate (194 mg). The lumbar procedure and both infusions were uneventful and Ella appears to be tolerating the medicine well.

The photo above of Ella, Mum and Polly was taken in the Oncology unit at Kapiolani Medical Center. Polly is one of the many therapy dogs at Kapiolani.

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you.


Ella’s Bone Marrow is Up and Running Strong

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

(2116 = ANC @ 1230 on 27 May)

Breaking News 15:00 HST – Ella’s lumbar puncture was completed without any events. She is recovering in the PACU.

Breaking News 12:30 HST – Ella’s blood test results are great news. This means she is cleared to go to Phase II. She will get a new dose of chemo in her CNS via a lumbar puncture in a few minutes.

God is Good! Amen.