The Challenge of Treating Ella

Thursday, 05 June 2014

(4380 = ANC @ 0810 on 04 Jun)

The past few days have been a bit perplexing. Ella has been a bit warmer than usual – hovering around 100 F; with spikes as high as 104.5F. Luckily, Tylenol and Motrin are working well to keep her fever in check. Thus far, Ella refuses to reveal a definitive cause for her heat wave.

What makes this truly perplexing are the numbers associated with her immune system — her ANC # is 4380. Her symptoms would make more sense if her ANC # was 438.
So, we wait, we watch, we pray.

Bottom line: this is a pretty good example of how treating Ella can be a real challenge.
We start each morning with prayers of thanks to God for another day and for all the people who are praying for Ella.

Thank you for your prayers.

Sunday, 20 Feb 2005:

Gabriella’s fever continues to present problems for us. Luckily, she is responding well to the alternating doses of Tylenol and Motrin, which is how we are trying to keep the fever in check.

However, she still has periods where the fever breaks through and she becomes distressed – those times are no fun for any of us. Last night was another night of little sleep for Ella, Mum, and Dad. Details to follow.

Pictured left is a photo that was taken a few weeks ago of Lucy and her wee Sis.

Thank you for your prayers.