08 August, Sunday: Our weekend was a quiet one, in part, due to some fairly warm weather. Last week’s storm stole our lovely trade wind away, so it has been hot and humid…such is life in the tropics. Gabriella takes it all in stride – continuing to exceed her daily eating goals by an ounce or two, so we feel a bit more at ease.
When she is not eating she usually sleeps – as that places the least amount strain on her wee heart. However, over the past few days Gabriella has been much more alert and lively during daylight hours. It is a joy to watch her begin to “take in” her surroundings.
Lucy continues to be Lucy – a sweetheart of a 2 year-old, but still a 2 year-old. Wee temper tantrums flair when her routines are alter by her Dad…”No, Mama put Lucy in chair.” After Mass on Sunday, Gabriella received the “Anointing of the Sick” sacrament. It was both a beautiful and painful experience. Dad made sure Father anointed not just her head and hands, but also directly over little Ella’s heart.
Thank you for your prayers.