Olivia Recites the First Reading – Acts 3:13-19

Sunday, 19 Apr 2015

(3353 = ANC @ 12:05 on 13 Apr)

Let us hear what the Lord has to say; a voice that speaks of peace, Alleluia.

Olivia received her First Communion at the eleven O’clock Mass today.

There to witness the blessed event were Gran, Grandpa, Auntie Nicola, Godmother Donna, Godmother Alana, Godfather Donald, and Olivia’s Mum, Dad and Sisters.

We were especially please that Ella was healthy enough to be there too. Mass was celebrated by Rico. Olivia had the honor of delivering the first reading. (click image above to see video)

This evening there will be a celebration dinner at our favorite Italian spot, Baci Bistro.

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you.

Olivia’s First Communion

Sunday, 19 Apr 2015

(1176 = ANC @ 09:15 on 02 Apr)

Arise, bless the Lord, your God, from eternity to eternity. Alleluia!

Grandpa and Papa escorted Olivia to the church for her First Communion. They arrived, as instructed, about an hour and a half before Mass. The parish hall was a swirling hurricane of activity.

Parents, children, professional photographer, impromptu wine tasting, last minute rosary decade, a few final instructions – followed by a rehearsal march into the church.

And finally, the procession of our 50 Keiki (little ones) made their way into their assigned pews and the Mass began.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you.

Missing Church

Sunday, 29 June 2014

(1680 = ANC @ 11:49 on 23 Jun)

The past two weeks Ella was able to attend Mass with her family. We so enjoyed this wee taste of normalcy, it’s hard to describe our feelings of Joy. This week she will be praying from home – to error on the side of caution.

The photo above was taken earlier this year with Ella’s First Commununion Mentor, Alice. Alice we miss you and we are praying for you each day.

Thank you so very much for your prayers.

God bless you.