Olivia’s First Communion

Sunday, 19 Apr 2015

(1176 = ANC @ 09:15 on 02 Apr)

Arise, bless the Lord, your God, from eternity to eternity. Alleluia!

Grandpa and Papa escorted Olivia to the church for her First Communion. They arrived, as instructed, about an hour and a half before Mass. The parish hall was a swirling hurricane of activity.

Parents, children, professional photographer, impromptu wine tasting, last minute rosary decade, a few final instructions – followed by a rehearsal march into the church.

And finally, the procession of our 50 Keiki (little ones) made their way into their assigned pews and the Mass began.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you.

If it’s Monday, it is Chemotherapy – IM1 Treatment 5 of 5

Monday, 04 Aug 2014

(2820 = ANC @ 08:51 on 04 Aug)

Today is the fifth of five chemotherapy treatments Ella will receive during this, the third phase of her 30 month treatment protocol.

After a blood draw and testing to ensure Ella is healthy enough to receive today’s treatment, she received doses of Vincristine (1.5 mg) and Methotrexate (291 mg). Both infusions were uneventful and Ella appears to be tolerating the medicine well.

The photo above of Ella, Lucy and Nurse Donna was taken in the Oncology unit at Kapiolani Medical Center.

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you.