Tuesday, 20 May 2014
(ANC = 1176)
Today is Ella’s fifth day in the hospital. Slowly but surely we are beginning to understand how the chemotherapy is effecting Ella’s fragile respiratory system.
Ella has an airway condition called tracheomalacia. This means her airway lacks the rigidity to remain open all the time (visualize a vacuum cleaner hose without the spiral wire on the outside).
When Ella is awake, her normal muscle tone keeps her airway open. However, when she sleeps, her body relaxes to the point that her airway collapses on to itself.
Visualize something like severe sleep apnea. Ella asleep, trying to breathe but nothing happens – other than her chest retracting and her gasping for air… what we call “The Slumber Games”. It SUCKS and the odds are never in your favor.
Ella’s solution is to sleep in a sitting prone (face down) position with her face turned to the left and chin up. (Photos above)
Unfortunately, there is not a magic bullet solution. This condition will likely diminish as Ella regains her strength. Prior to chemotherapy, Ella’s sleep was care free.
On the Leukemia front; Ella is responding well. Results from last Monday’s bone marrow sample showed that Ella successfully completed the first phase of her treatment and that her profile is “standard risk”. This means her long term prospects are very good!
We thank God for the gift of another day and invite him to send the Holy Spirit into our lives; We pray for all the people who are praying for Ella.
Thank you for your prayers.