A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

Wednesday, 26 Mar 2015

(14 = ANC @ 04:15 on 26 Mar)

Faithful is God, faithful and true: come, let us adore!

Sage is one of Ella’s FaceTime friends.  Sage is in the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford.  Please join us in praying for Sage and her family.

Sage’s father Sam, is incredibly strong and courageous.

Ella made this very special card for Sam right after we said many prayers for Sage.

Please know, Ella is safe and comfortable.

Tomorrow we will know a bit more…details to follow.

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you.

Bitter Sweet 16

Tuesday, 24 Mar 2015

(16 = ANC @ 1145:40 on 24 Mar)

The Lord listens to our prayer: let us approach the throne of grace.

Ella had a pretty good day today – she went to the KMC PAU with Mum and Nurse Irvin. She received a second dose of IV antibiotics and she met with Dr. Glaser for the second day in a row.

However, the real highlight was meeting Auntie Mo and service dog Jake. Auntie Mo and Jake are from the Service Dog Academy on Maui. They flew over from Maui today just to conduct Ella’s “in-home interview.” Soon, Ella may have her very own Service Dog…how cool is that?

Ella’s medical condition is our continuing concern.

The respiratory infection is still with her.

She continues to require supplemental oxygen 24/7.

She continues to have fevers – just above 101.5 at various times.

Most frightening of all, Ella’s ANC number is lower than low.

16 is suppose to be part of the NCAA basketball tournament.

16 is NOT suppose to be an ANC number – ever.

For all intents and purposes, her immune system is completely off-line.

Your prayers are needed more than ever.

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you.

48 Short Hours

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

The doctors explained the chemotherapy drugs kill the Leukemia cells by literal destroying the walls of each cell. The down side is that this wholesale release of intra-cellular material can dramatically (and dangerously in many cases) alter the normal blood chemistry.

IV fluids are increased as part of the process to dampen the rate of change. In Ella’s case, the combination of additional fluids, (which built up in her lungs) and the reduced number of red blood cells impeded her ability to process oxygen. With Ella, low oxygen saturation numbers are almost as exciting as blood shooting out of her trach tube. Eventually, additional drugs (lasix) were then given to accelerate urine output.

*** Advisory note to Donna – probably not the best time to hold Ella on your lap ***

And so, 48 short hours after the coughing blood began – Ella was stable enough on Holy Thursday that she only needed 3 or 4 LPM of oxygen to keep her O2 saturation numbers in the 90’s.

We start each morning with prayers of thanks to God for another day and for all the people who are praying for Ella.

Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, 03 Feb 2005 (4pm):

Gabriella was discharged late yesterday afternoon. Her transition from hospital to home was uneventful – much to the relief of Mum and Dad.

Gabriella’s room at home is now equipped similarly to her hospital room: Pulse and Oxygen Saturation Monitors, Heart Rate Monitor, Warm Air Humidifier, Suction Machine, and Supplemental Oxygen.

Regardless of all the machines, Ella’s room is still warm and cozy now that she is back home. Although we are quickly settling into a routine, it is clear to us that we are in need of additional help. Our search for nursing help continues. All for now.

Thank you for your prayers.

Saturday, 22 Jan 2005 ( 7am ):

Gabriella rested well last night – without a single blocked “trach” tube. On three occasions yesterday, Ella’s “trach tube” became blocked and her oxygen levels dropped (Oxygen Desaturation or “DESAT”} for a short time. Blockages are cleared using suction. A thin flexible hollow tube is inserted into the blocked “trach tube,” the mucus blockage or “plug” is then sucked clear. As you probably imagine, Ella is not particularly fond of this procedure – even though it helps her to breathe more easily. Yesterday’s DESAT incidents clearly demonstrated the fragile nature of

Ella’s current condition. Since Ella is unable to protect her own airway by coughing and unable to signal for help by crying, we are dependent upon monitors to sound the alarm. That dependency is a point of concern for both Mum and Dad, especially as we begin to think about caring for Ella at home. Thankfully we still have a few days to sort through these issues. For those who have recently signed our Guest Book, thank you for your words of encouragement and support – they mean so very much to us. And as always,

thank you for your prayers.