A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

Wednesday, 26 Mar 2015

(14 = ANC @ 04:15 on 26 Mar)

Faithful is God, faithful and true: come, let us adore!

Sage is one of Ella’s FaceTime friends.  Sage is in the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford.  Please join us in praying for Sage and her family.

Sage’s father Sam, is incredibly strong and courageous.

Ella made this very special card for Sam right after we said many prayers for Sage.

Please know, Ella is safe and comfortable.

Tomorrow we will know a bit more…details to follow.

Thank you for your prayers.

God bless you.

Prayers From Baghdad Real Heroes Say Their Prayers!

Captain Blake Hausman, USMC (pictured 2nd from left) deployed to Baghdad early last summer. When not deployed, Blake works with Matt at JICPAC (Joint Intelligence Center Pacific) in Hawaii. Blake’s wife, Angela and their daughter Grace, know Lisa and Lucy from the Gymboree playgroup. The Hausman family has been tremendously supportive over the past many months.

This photo is the latest example of their faith in action. Please join our family in thanking them by saying a prayer each day for the safe return of Blake and all of the soldiers who are defending freedom around the world.